Cara Hack Billing Hotspot Mikrotik
- Cara Hack Billing Hotspot Mikrotik Di Windows 7
- Mikrotik Hotspot Logout
- Cara Hack Billing Hotspot Mikrotik Windows 7
Hotspot Server Setup with Profiles In this article i will cover how to setup HOTSPOT Server with different profiles. First we will configure interface that is connected to WAN. / ip address add address= network= broadcast= interface=ether1 Now one interface is configured and connected to WAN (with ip Now we will configure second interface for our Local Network.
/ ip address add address= network= broadcast= interface=ether2 Now we have both our interfaces configured and working. Next we will setup our Mikrotik ROS as a DNS Server as it is a very good practice for setting up a DNS server.
Goto IP DNS then press Settings button and fill in the appropriate information as per provided by your ISP, when done select the 'ALLOW REMOTE REQUEST' line (it will allow requests from your cleints to be processed). Now we will setup a default ROUTE. Goto IP Routes, press the plus sign. Leave the destination field as it is, in the GATEWAY field enter the IP Address of the GATEWAY of you WAN interface. Now we will setup our HOTSPOT Server.
Goto IP Hotspot, in the server tab you will see a button 'Hotspot Setup' press it. A new window will popup asking you on which interface you want to setup HOTSPOT, here select the interface that is connected to local network (in our example it is ether2). In step 2 it will ask you the IP of the server, by default it will detect the IP which is set on the interface that we selected in step 1.
Just press NEXT In step 3 it will ask you the IP range that will be used by the DHCP server for providing IP's to clients. Here you can modify the IP range, make sure that it should be acceptable by SERVER.
You can increase and decrease the length of the IP range. When done press NEXT In step 4 it will ask you to select any certificate that will be used by the server. Select NONE and press NEXT.
In step 5 it will as you to define the SMTP Server, if you have any. I dont have any SMTP Server setup with me so i just left it as it was ( In step 6 it will as you your DNS Server's IP Address. This was the first task that we finished. So Here no need to change any thing.
Just PRESS NEXT. In step 7 it will as you to define a name your server, by which clients will be able to access the HOTSPOT login/information page through web browsers. Setup what ever you want and press NEXT. Now the last step. To create a user.
By default it creates a user admin with no password. Here you can set the password and user name for the default user. Change the values if you want and press NEXT.
Your Hotspot server is ready and configured. Now if you recieve a message saying Router Disconnected, dont worry its just the security of HOTSPOT. First login to the HOTSPOT with user name and password that you created in STEP 8. Now again open the WINBOX and again goto IP Hotspot. Now we will do some changes in the default settings to make our HOTSPOT work in a better way. In the Server TAB you will now see a server will be showing up by the name 'hotspot1', double click it and change the value 'Address per MAC' to 1, for more security.
You will see a LOGIN tab in the same window, and make sure that only 'HTTP CHAP' is selected in the Login By section. Now APPLY and OK. Now we will create a new User Profile. Goto User Profile TAB, press the Plus Sign, name it what ever you want.
Select the IP Pool, hotspot creates a pool by default with the IP Range that we set during the HOTSPOT Server Setup. Now we will set the Download and Upload Bandwidth restriction. In the Rate Limit (tx/rx) set the limit (i have set it to 512k up/down). Now press APPLY and OK.
Now we will create a new user that will use the profile that we just created. Goto Users TAB in the same window. Press the plus sign, Select the specific server or Select ALL. Set the User Name and Password for the user.
In the Profile Filed select the profile that we created in the previous step. Press APPLY and OK. Your HOTSPOT Server is configured and running.
Article by Mudasir Mirza.
This is the combination, continued and completion of methods previously using parent queue tree about to handle all sorts of purposes in an internet network that is more complex. Perhaps if you do not want to think too hard, you simply apply the to limit bandwidth that so powerful and assertive to limit bandwidth per client on your internet network.
The problem is if we share the bandwidth with a simple queue is stiffness, and it's hard for me to divide into many clients normally. It would be appropriate to be applied to the kind of dedicated internet connection. For example If I have a totally the bandwidth internet connection is up to 2M, after i have tested by speed test, the bandwidth average is 512 kbps.
It means that if I have 6 clients, be 512/6 = 86 kbps/clients normally, the ideal number is very small inappropriate for our client. If the bandwidth of up to 2 M calculated with 2000/6 to be around 334 kbps /clients, it can makes browsing and online game stuck if just only one client there who download and play streaming video, because the client spend almost all the average speed (512kbps) other clients will be especially problematic just for browsing or online game. In this case we need the priority to the fourth packets. Full Bandwidth Management with the parent queue tree complete the lack of packets connection per client, especially to handle the internet network with many clients. The principle is equally divide the bandwidth to all the clients with bandwidth greater than that should be given as the limit bandwidth on each clients, in which we set, packets, connection packets. Well, for now I will make the Full Bandwidth Management using the parent queue tree. For more easily to make the complex rule, I will work with the scripts for more quickly.
Cara Hack Billing Hotspot Mikrotik Di Windows 7
Separating & Marking Connection Packets 'Out & In' Globally Marking all the connection packet out & in of the traffic mikrotik router, it is relatively depending on the interface that used. Connection packets out from local interface is connection packet In from public interface, it is download connection packet.
And Out from local interface is In from public interface, It is upload connection packet. This is implemented on the script below!. Connection Packets Per Client: Billing-pkt, Client1-pkt, Client1-pkt, Client2-pkt, Client3-pkt, Client4-pkt, Client5-pkt, Client6-pkt, Master-pkt 3. Separating Download Packets Clients to Various Kind Connection Packets The Connections packets per client that we have just made will divided into four kind connection packets such as browsing, online games, download, video streaming.
We are going to make 4 kind of the connection packets. If you want to make the kind of connection packets else, you can define using layer 7 protocols.
Part I: Creating the connection packets per client of download and setup the priority in queue tree rules as you wish, you can see the scripts below! Here we have just implemented 'Full Bandwidth Management Parent Queue Tree', then you can customize the scripts with the interface of mikrotik router that you have use, the IP Address of the clients that you have, so that you can manage the queue tree rules as the final result. For more quickly you just need to copy all the scripts to the new terminal window of the winbox. So this is the connection Packets with divided into four main of the connection packets such as download, browsing, video streaming, and online games), the queue tree rules will capture the marking that we have created on the mangle rules and the queue tree will manage that packet mark. The result of the experiment method as shown like the tree pictures above! For more details you can see this article video that I have included!
Pertama anda harus benar2 mengerti alur dan pemisahan koneksi sesuai dengan konteks mikrotik dan jaringan anda. Setelah semua berada dalam jalurnya. Jika anda bermaksud memprioritaskan game online, berikan prioritas tertinggi, dengan bandwidth yang memadai. Kemudian jangan tentukan speed browsing,streaming,dan download pada queue treenya, biarkan parent queue tree yang mengaturnya menjadi satu pada tiap2 client dengan sisa speed yang menurut anda aman. Jadi ini seperti mengadu domba yang lainnya! Oh I just see any mistake here i am really sorry! The script should be like this or try review it again, i have already fix it!
I am using Mikrotik RB411Ah (v5.5) as Access Point bridge for point to multipoint wireless connections. Interface is ether1- connected to internet server wlan1- wireless card connected to Customer Point Equipments bridge1-?
Internet as it is, is working fine. I tried to put Priority list and queue tree by using the script given above The script has added mangle list, queue sub tree.
(seems fine at first glance). But I do not see any movement in queues or ip/firewall/ input/output byte or packet. Kindly guide me what went wrong? And what should be done to get it running.script starts.
/ip firewall mangle add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting comment='CONNECTION-IN' disabled=no dst-address-list=! Selamat malam mas, saya sangat tertarik dengan sistem ini untuk digunakan di warnet saya. Yang jadi permasalahannya saya baru n pengen belajar tentang mikrotik. Saya coba cari cari dan saya lebih suka dengan sistem ini.
Mikrotik Hotspot Logout
Sekarang ini ada 15 pc. 1pc biling, 9 pc untuk game online pb, dragonnest, lostsaga dll.
Dan 5 pc untuk browsing. Dan ke depan rencananya mau nambah pc untuk game n browsing biar pas 20 pc. Untuk formatnya bagaimana. Kalau sekarng saya memakai kecepatan 2M.saya mohon pencerahannya untuk 15 pc saya ini dengan kecepatn 2M. Terimakasih sebelumnya. Berarti ada kesalahan marking di manglenya, sebelum membuat rule queue tree, coba diperiksa dulu apakah mangle rulenya bergerak pada saat digunakan. Dan yang paling penting adalah fondasi awal ini harus bekerja dulu.
Mas agus selamat malam? Untuk semua script saya coba dan berhasil dijalankan, hanya saja untuk queue tree client game tidak menunjukan aktivitas average bandwith yang terpakai dan hanya diam di 0 saja berikut untuk scipt yang saya pakai?
Apakah ada kesalahan? Maaf sebelumnya jika respon saya terasa lama, saya terlalu asik melakukan eksperiment. Apakah rules untuk paket jenis koneksi lain bs berjalan? Game apa yang dijalankan? Apakah portnya sudah dimasukkan? Berusahalah mencari update terakhir dari port game yang digunakan. Disini saya hanya melakukan test untuk game kesayangan saya, lostsaga, dan ini seharusnya berjalan.
Namun yang terpenting jika bandwidth sudah mulai habis, game tidak akan bs berjalan dengan baik/lag, mau tidak mau kita kita harus menekan video streams dan download. Jika perlu kita harus membuatkan rule baru untuk packet downsteam yang lebih besar dari 1M. Om agus terima kasih atas replynya, untuk rule download, streaming dan browsing berjalan dengan normal, untuk testing game online yang saya jalankan sama dengan game om agus jalankan: lost saga dan setelah pengecekan ulang port udp dan tcp lom dimasukan, tetapi untuk game Point Blank dan RAN Online yang sudah diinput portnya tetap tidak jalan dan tidak menunjukan aktivitas average bandwith. Dan saya mencoba melakukan perubahan queue tree-clientgame3, tab general - packetmark = saya ubah menjadi gpkt, dan setelah diubah baru bisa berjalan normal dan average bandwith menunjukan aktifitas sekian dan terima kasih atas bantuannya.
Selamat sudah bisa menemukan permasalahannya sendiri, terkadang bisa dipengaruhi banyak faktor, disinilah letak analisa dan main koncept diperlukan, agar tidak menjadi runyam. Game sebenarnya yang paling sensitif, artinya tidak melingkupi scara menyeluruh.
Lode runner the legend returns psx iso tutorial. You can dig holes to momentarily trap these Mad Monks, but you should be careful not to trap yourself or touch a monk. As you guide Jake around the underworld, grabbing all the gold so you can progress to the next level, a subterranean cult of gold worshippers will follow you around and make your task difficult.
Disamping Game Online adalah server yang sangat sangat dinamis, rentan cheat, crack, maupun hack. Untuk alasan security mereka sering mengubah2 system mereka. Sebenar yang mengetahui secara tepat adalah programmer gamenya sendiri yang memberikan referensi port yang aman menurut mereka, dengan demikian kita bisa melakukan forward secara efektif. Contoh gamenya Point Blank (port 0-400010) dan steam game (port 0). Untuk port yang lainnya yang ada di settingan om agus, saya gak kenal game apa, sepertinya sih game gemscool lainnya( LS, DN, dll) Sekalian tanya Om Agus, tentang penamaan saja, kenapa koneksi upload disebutnya 'connection-in', 'all-inconn'(mark connection), 'all-inpkt'(mark packet) dan kenapa koneksi download dinamakan 'connection-out','all-outconn', 'all-outpkt'?
Soalnya pemahaman saya malah sebaliknya, koneksi upload yang keluar (out) koneksi download yang masuk (in). Pemahaman saya salah ya?
Maaf newbie.:D. Hello, I have a mikrotik that I got 2meg/2meg from my provider. But I want want my lan (ether2)users with ip range of to share the bandwidth evenly so that one user will not use all the assigned bandwidth to the detriment of others. I want it to be shared for like 20 or 30 users on the lan so that each will be browsing at the same speed. While my hotspot will then share the 1meg/1meg which is on ether3. How do I set and priotirize the bandwidth so that browsing will have higher prioroity than dopwnloading. Hi, just saw your tutorial (and I am currently in a verge of setting up my mikrotik to its full potential.
Otherwise I am currently using it as a Hotspot server and currently using Usermanager as bandwidth limiter. Just wanted to know if these tutorial of yours can do manage hotspot with usermanager also and apply those settings even i have indicated a limited bandwidth using usermanager? I am interested in your tutorial since it is gradually and specifically looking traffic and separating them in a way to maximize connection. Please do contact me here or please do reply to my email( whenever you read this, Terimakasi.
Udah saya copi ke rb450g os 6.35.2 urutanya modemether1 wlanswitchhub/ pc warnet. Ip modem to ether1 ip ip wlan1 scrip ini ga bisa kenapayah? /queue tree add name=All-Bandwidth parent=global-out packet-mark=All-Outpkt queue=default priority=8 max-limit=2M saya edit seperti ini /queue tree add name=All-Bandwidth parent=global packet-mark=All-Outpkt queue=default priority=8 max-limit=2M baru bisa dan semua queue tree ga aktif / ga bisa jalan pada ip firewall mangle scrip ada yg kurang, jumlah item cuma 60, pada foto mimin ada 68 item, tolong bantuanya. Biar bisa work. Trimakasih maaf jika ada yg salah:).
Thank you Ketut for your excelent videos, i hope you can help me with this question about this metod, what happens if i have more than 1 plan?, example, i have users with 1Mb download and others with 2Mb download, i supposed if i don´t leak of bandwitch each user will get what he needs, but what happens with this metod if for example i have a parent with 2Mb total download and the user 1Mb and 2Mb try to use all his allowed bandwith, it will part equaly or the 2Mb user will get a little more? Thank you so much!.
Cara Hack Billing Hotspot Mikrotik Windows 7
Interface wan adalah interface dimana kabel yang berisi koneksi internet masuk ke router. Saya ingin bertanya sekaligus mohon pencerahannya. Maaf baru mengenal mikrotik topologi sy sprt ini isp-RB-hub-client dengan isp indihome 50mbps, setting modemnya bridge (dial di RB). Ether1=isp ether5=local yang mana In-Interface?
Apakah in-interface= ether5 Out-Interface: ether1 ataukah pake pppoe-nya bagaimana pembagian BW jika di pakai di tempat saya dengan jumlah client 20? Bagaimana cara menentukan burst-limit, burst-threshold berdasarkan maksimal limit yang telah dipatok untuk masing2 client??
Maaf kang agus, itu di atas hanya khusus untuk pengguna PC pada warnet saja kah? Bagaimana kalau untuk settingan wifi/hotspot nya? Soalnya saya pakainya untuk hotspot, jadi gak pakai PC (seperti RT/RW NET gitu) keterangan: - Ether1 = WAN - Ether2 = LAN (menuju ke AP) - Wirelles = WLAN1 ( Wifi bawaan Mikrotik ) Mikrotik yg saya pakai RB951-2n yang ada Wireless nya kalau mesti input 1 per 1 menggunakan IP, berarti banyak donk ya yg harus di input manual ip nya. Keterangan: - LAN = IP s/d 254 - WLAN1 = s/d 254 mohon bantuan nya kang Agus. Good luck gambling. Online Gambling Games Site The game is getting more and more popular.
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