Fumefx Installation Problem
Submission Options The general Deadline options are explained in the documentation, and the Draft/Integration options are explained in the documentation. The Maya specific options are: Additional Frame Options. Render Preview Job First: When enabled, two jobs will be submitted - a PREVIEW job with a fraction of the frames, and a REST job with all other frames.
The PREVIEW job can be submitted with slightly higher priority and will provide a glimpse into the final result. If its output looks incorrect, you can suspend the REST job before wasting render time rendering a wrong submission. Priority Offset: Specify a higher priority for the PREVIEW job. Number of Preview Frames: Specify the number of frames to preview. Submit Dependent Job With Remaining Frames: If enabled, the REST job will be dependent on the PREVIEW job. Task Order: The order in which to render the frames for the job. Out Of Order Step: Defines the Nth frame step to use for some of the Task Order options.
Render Options. Camera: Select the camera to render with.
Leaving this blank will force Deadline to render using the default camera settings (including multiple camera outputs). Disable Auto Camera Tag: If you do not have inside the File Name Prefix in Render Settings, this will prevent Maya from automatically adding one (only available when a camera is selected). Project Path: The Maya project folder (this should be a shared folder on the network).
Output Path: The folder where your output will be dumped (this should be a shared folder on the network). Maya Build: Force 32 bit or 64 bit rendering. Submit Maya Scene File: If checked, the scene file will be submitted to the repository (as well as the XGen files). Use MayaBatch Plugin: This uses our MayaBatch plugin that keeps the scene loaded in memory between frames, thus reducing the overhead of rendering the job.
Ignore Error Code 211: This allows a Maya task to finish successfully even if the Maya command line renderer returns the non-zero error code 211 (not available when using the MayaBatch plugin). Sometimes Maya will return this error code even after successfully saving the rendered images. Strict Error Checking: Enable this option to have Deadline fail Maya jobs when Maya prints out an “error” or “warning” message that is known to impact the render.
If disabled, Deadline will ignore all “error” or “warning” messages. Use Local Asset Caching: Enabling local asset caching can reduce network overhead.
When enabled, Deadline stores a local copy of all assets used during Maya renders on the Slave. The renderer then uses the assets from the local machine, rather than having to access them from their network location.
The assets are stored in the Slave’s cache and can be used by subsequent frames or scenes submitted with the same assets without having to reach out to the network. Startup Script: Maya will source the specified script file on startup (only available when using the MayaBatch plugin). Command Line Args: Specify additional command line arguments to pass to the Maya command line renderer (not available when using the MayaBatch plugin). Deadline Job Type: Select the type of Maya job you want to submit. The available options are covered in the next few sections. Maya Render Job If rendering a normal Maya job, select the Maya Render Job type. General Options The following options are available:.
Threads: The maximum number of CPUs per machine to render with. Frame Number Offset: Uses Maya’s frame renumbering option to offset the frames that are rendered. Submit Render Layers As Separate Jobs: Enable to submit each layer in your scene as a seperate job. Override Layer Job Settings: If submitting each layer as a separate job, enable this option override the job name, frame list, and task size for each layer. When enabled, the override dialog will appear after you press Submit.
Submit Cameras As Separate Jobs: Enable to submit each camera as a separate job. Ignore Default Cameras: Enable to have Deadline skip over cameras like persp, top, etc, when submitting each camera as a separate job (even if those cameras are set to renderable). Enable Local Rendering: If enabled, Deadline will render the frames locally before copying them over to the final network location. This has been known to improve the speed of Maya rendering in some cases.
Render Half Frames: If checked, frames will be split into two using a step of 0.5. Note that frame 0 will save out images 0 and 1, frame 1 will save out images 2 and 3, frame 2 will save out images 4 and 5, etc. Region Rendering Options If submitting a Maya Render Job or an Arnold Export Job, you can choose to submit a region rendering job.
You can also submit a dependent assembly job to assemble the image when the main region job completes. If using Draft for the assembly, you will need a Draft license from Thinkbox. Otherwise, the output formats that are supported are BMP, DDS, EXR, JPG, JPE, JPEG, PNG, RGB, RGBA, SGI, TGA, TIF, and TIFF. The following renderers are supported for Region Rendering:. MayaSoftware. Mental Ray.
Arnold (and export jobs). RenderMan.
FinalRender. Turtle. V-Ray. Redshift. Iray Note, if you have multiple layers in your scene file, Region Rendering will ONLY work if you submit each layer as a separate job. The following options are available:.
Region Render Type: If set to Jigsaw Rendering then the submission will use, otherwise it will use a grid of tiles. Enable Region Rendering: If enabled, the frame will be split into multiple tiles that are rendered individually and can be assembled after. Submit All Tiles as a single Job: If enabled, a single frame will be submitted with all tiles in a single job, otherwise each tile will be submitted as a separate job with each frame being a separate frame. Open Jigsaw Panel: Click this button to open the standalone PyQt panel to interact with the GUI system to create your tiles and regions. Note, this Jigsaw panel MUST be open during submission. Submit Dependent Assembly Job: Submit a job dependent on the region job that will assemble the tiles, if doing jigsaw animation a separate job will be created for each different named output file. Cleanup Tiles after Assembly: If enabled, the tiles will be deleted after assembly.
Error on Missing Tiles: If enabled, then if any of the tiles are missing the assembly job will fail. Assemble over: Determine what the Draft Tile Assembler should assemble over be it a blank image, previous output or a specified file. Background Image File: If “specified file” option above is selected, then browse for a background image file to assemble the tile renders with. Error on Missing Background: If enabled, then if the background file is missing the Draft Tile Assembler job will fail. You have the option to submit a dependent Mental Ray Standalone job that will render the exported mi files after the export job finishes. The Mentral Ray specific job options are:. Threads: The number of threads to use for rendering.
Frame Offset: The first frame in the input MI file being rendered, which is used to offset the frame range being passed to the mental ray renderer. Mental Ray Build: You can force 32 or 64 bit rendering. Enable Local Rendering: If enabled, the frames will be rendered locally, and then copied to their final network location. Command Line Args: Specify additional command line arguments you would like to pass to the mental ray renderer. V-Ray Export Job If rendering a V-Ray Export job, select the V-Ray Export Job type. The following options are available:.
Output File: The full file name of the V-Ray files that will be exported (padding is handled automatically by the exporter). You have the option to submit a dependent V-Ray Standalone job that will render the exported vrscene files after the export job finishes.
The V-Ray specific job options are:. Threads: The number of threads to use for rendering. Vrimg2Exr Conversion Job: If you are submitting a dependent V-Ray Standalone job, and the output format is vrimg, you have the option to submit a dependent job that will convert the vrimg files to exr files, using V-Ray’s vrimg2exr application. RMan Export Job If rendering a RenderMan Export job, select the RenderMan Export Job type.
The following options are available:. Threads: The number of threads to use for exporting. Specify 0 to automatically use the optimal number of threads. Render with RIS: If checked, the exported RIB files will have RIS set as the renderer instead of REYES. You have the option to submit a dependent RenderMan Render job that will render the exported rib files after the export job finishes.
The RenderMan specific job options are:. Enable RenderMan Frame Dependencies: If checked, the RenderMan Job will have Frame Dependencies. If your scene has static content, do not use!. Threads: The number of threads to use for rendering. Command Line Args: Specify additional command line arguments you would like to pass to the RenderMan renderer. Arnold Export Job If rendering an Arnold Export job, select the Arnold Export Job type.
You have the option to submit a dependent Arnold Standalone job that will render the exported.ass files after the export job finishes. The Arnold Standalone specific job options are:.
Local Export to Arnold: If this option is set to true, the Arnold.ass files will be exported locally. Threads: The number of threads to use for rendering. Command Line Args: Specify additional command line arguments you would like to pass to the Arnold renderer. Maxwell Export Job If rendering a Maxwell Export job, select the Maxwell Export Job type. The following options are available:. Maxwell Script Name: The path that the exported Maxwell MXS files will be saved to.
You have the option to submit a dependent Maxwell Standalone job that will render the exported.MXS files after the export job finishes. The Maxwell Standalone specific job options are:. Local Export to Maxwell: If this option is set to true, the Maxwell MXS files will be exported locally. Threads: The number of threads to use for rendering. Command Line Args: Specify additional command line arguments you would like to pass to the Maxwell renderer. Co-op Rendering. Cooperative Rendering: Enable this to use Maxwell’s co-op rendering feature to render the same image across multiple computers.
You can then use Maxwell to combine the resulting output after the rendering has completed. Split Co-op Renders Into Separate Jobs: By default, a co-op render is submitted as a single job, where each task represents a different seed. If this option is enabled, a separate job will represent each seed.
Number of Co-op Renders: The number of co-op render jobs to submit to Deadline. Auto-Merge Files: Enable this option to auto-merge the co-op renders into the final image. Fail On Missing Intermediate Files: If enabled, the auto-merge will fail if any co-op renders are missing. Delete Intermediate Files: If enabled, the co-op renders will be deleted after the final image is merged together. Redshift Export Job If rendering a Redshift Export job, select the Redshift Export Job type. The normal renderer options are available.
You have the option to submit a dependent Redshift Standalone job that will render the exported.rs files after the export job finishes. The Redshift Standalone specific job options are:.
Submit Dependent Redshift Standalone Render Job: If enabled, the Redshift Standalone dependent job will be submitted. Local Export to Redshift: If this option is set to true, the redshift rs file will be exported locally. Enable Redshift Frame Dependencies: If Checked, the Redshift Job will have Frame Dependencies. If your scene contains static content, do not use!. Submit Render Layers As Separate Jobs: Check this to submit each renderable Render Layer as a separate Deadline job. Note that the frame range will be pulled from the render globals for each layer. Threads: The number of threads to use for rendering.
Command Line Args: Specify additional command line arguments you would like to pass to the Redshift renderer. Alembic Export Job To run an Alembic Export job, select the Alembic Export Job type. The following options are available:. Alembic Output File: The directory path and filename of the Alembic file that will be created. Export: Select “All” to export all Polygon or NURBS objects in your scene, select “Selection” to only export selected/highlighted Polygon or NURBS objects in your scene. You also have the option to set the advanced options of the Alembic export job. These options are described in the Autodesk Maya documentation and should be left untouched by novice users.
Maya Script Job To run a Maya Script Job, select the Maya Script Job type. This job will execute a submitted Python or Melscript file. The following options are available:.
Script File Name: The directory and name of the Melscript or Python file that will be run. When running script jobs Deadline exposes 3 melscript functions so that Deadline job information can be accessed within the script. The functions that are defined are:.
DeadlinePluginInfo: This function takes the name of a plugin info property of the Deadline job and returns the value as a string. DeadlineExtraInfo: This function takes the name of an extra info key value pair defined in the Deadline job and returns the value as a string. DeadlineValue: This function takes in the name of a property of the task and returns the appropriate value. The exposed properties are DataFileName, PluginDirectory, JobsDataDirectory, StartFrame, EndFrame, ThreadNumber, and TestValue. Fluid Caching Job To run a Fluid Caching Job, select the Fluid Caching Job type. This job will cache selected fluids in a Maya scene. At least one fluid must be selected in order to run a Fluid Caching Job.
The following options are available:. Cache Output Directory: The path which the Fluid Cache(s) will be saved to.
Cache Prefix Name: The prefix to be used for any Fluid Cache files to be written. Cache Format: Mcc (Maya pre-2014) or Mcx (Maya 2014 or newer).
File Distribution: Choose to have one file (one cache) for each frame, or only one cache for the entire frame range. One Cache Per Fluid: Choose to have separate caches for each fluid, or only one cache that will contain all selected fluids.
Geo Caching Job To run a Geometry Caching Job, select the Geometry Caching Job type. This job will cache selected geometry in a Maya scene. At least one geometry object must be selected in order to run a Geometry Caching Job.
The following options are available:. Cache Output Directory: The path which the Geometry Cache(s) will be saved to. Cache Prefix Name: The prefix to be used for any Geometry Cache files to be written. Cache Format: Mcc (Maya pre-2014) or Mcx (Maya 2014 or newer). File Distribution: Choose to have one file (one cache) for each frame, or only one cache for the entire frame range. Store Points As: Choose the format in which geometry points will be stored (Double or Float).
Store Points In: Choose the context in which geometry points will be stored (Local or World). One Cache Per Geometry: Choose to have separate caches for each geometry, or only one cache that will contain all selected geometry. Cross-Platform Rendering Considerations In order to perform cross-platform rendering with Maya, you must setup Mapped Paths so that Deadline can swap out the Project and Output paths where appropriate. You can access the Mapped Paths Setup in the Monitor while in super user mode by selecting Tools - Configure Repository.
You’ll find the Mapped Paths Setup in the list on the left. As long as all paths used in your Maya scene are relative to the Project and Output paths, and those paths are network accessible, you should have no problems performing cross-platform renders. However, if you are using absolute paths in your Maya scene file, it is possible for Deadline to swap them as well, but you must save your scene file as a Maya Ascii (.ma) file. Because.ma files are ascii files, Deadline can read them and swap out paths as necessary. If they’re saved as Maya Binary (.mb) files, they can’t be read, and can’t have their paths swapped. MayaBatch Render Executables.
Maya Executable: The path to the Maya executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines. Different executable paths can be configured for each version installed on your render nodes. Maxwell For Maya (version 2 and later).
Slaves To Use Interactive License: A list of Slaves that should use an interactive Maxwell license instead of a render license. Use a, to separate multiple Slave names, for example: slave001,slave002,slave003 Path Mapping For Scene Files (For Mixed Farms). Enable Path Mapping: If enabled, path mapping will be performed on the contents of the Maya scene file.
Path Mapping Mode: The first option uses Maya’s ‘dirmap’ command to map paths when the scene is loaded, which works on.ma and.mb files. The second option creates a local copy of the.ma file, and uses text replacement on the file to map paths. Logging.
Suppress Warning Messages: If enabled, warning messages printed out by Maya will not be included in the render log. Log Script Contents To Render Log: If enabled, the full script that Deadline is passing to Maya will be written to the render log.
This is useful for debugging purposes. CPU Affinity. Limit Threads To CPU Affinity: If enabled, the number of render threads will be limited to the CPU affinity of the rendering Slave. Local Asset Caching. Remote Asset Path: When scanning a Maya scene file, it is necessary to identify which assets are located on a remote storage device.
The way Deadline determines that is by checking its path prefix. If the path starts with a prefix listed under this “Remote Asset Path” option, it is assumed to be on a remote storage device, and will be cached locally upon render. Slave LAC Directory: These options determine where on the local Slave drive the assets will be cached. Since directory structures are set up differently across different platforms, and caching is cross-platform, it is necessary to have three different options based on the operating system that the Slave is running on. Days until Cache Delete: It is necessary to do some housekeeping on the Slaves in order to clean up the local cache and prevent the local storage to fill up unnecessarily. This option allows user to specify when an asset in the cache will be deleted. If a cached asset is not accessed within the specified number of days, that file will be removed from the cache.
MayaCmd Render Executables. Maya Executable: The path to the Maya executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines. Different executable paths can be configured for each version installed on your render nodes. Maxwell For Maya (version 2 and later). Slaves To Use Interactive License: A list of Slaves that should use an interactive Maxwell license instead of a render license.
Use a, to separate multiple Slave names, for example: slave001,slave002,slave003 Path Mapping For ma Scene Files (For Mixed Farms). Enable Path Mapping For ma Files: If enabled, a temporary ma file will be created locally on the Slave for rendering and Deadline will do path mapping directly in the ma file. Logging. Suppress Warning Messages: If enabled, warning messages printed out by Maya will not be included in the render log. Verify Installation The next time Maya is started, a Deadline shelf should appear with a green button that can be clicked on to launch the submitter. If you don’t see the Deadline shelf, it’s likely that Maya is loading another userSetup.mel file from somewhere. Maya can only load one userSetup.mel file, so you either have to configure Maya to point to the file mentioned above, or you have to modify the file that Maya is currently using as explained above.
To figure out which userSetup.mel file Maya is using, open up Maya and then open up the Script Editor. Run this command. AddStringAttribute ( 'deadlineLimitGroups' ); if ( GetCurrentRenderer 'mentalRay' ) setAttr defaultRenderGlobals. DeadlineLimitGroups - type 'string' 'mrayformaya'; else if ( GetCurrentRenderer 'vray' ) setAttr defaultRenderGlobals. DeadlineLimitGroups - type 'string' 'vrayformaya'; else setAttr defaultRenderGlobals. DeadlineLimitGroups - type 'string' '; The available Deadline globals are defined in the SavePersistentDeadlineOptions function in the SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel script.
These can be used to set the initial values in the submission dialog. You can also create a CustomPostSanityChecks.mel file alongside the main SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel in the Repository submission Maya Main folder. It can be used to run some additional checks after the user clicks the Submit button in the submitter. It must define a global proc called CustomPostSanityCheck that takes no arguments, and must return 0 or 1. If 1 is returned, the submission process will continue, otherwise it will be aborted. Here is an example script.
Traditionally, Maya and all required scripts & 3rd party plugins should always be installed and licensed (where applicable) on each machine where it is intended to network render on. However, VFX studios tend to operate a Linux OS platform and take advantage of installing software onto a centralized file server that importantly has the performance to support this configuration and then all local machines can be configured to point at this central location. Additionally, 3rd party plugins/scripts can then be added to this central server path location in combination with floating licenses. This level of custom deployment and configuration is beyond the scope of Thinkbox support and you would be best advised to engage an approved Autodesk reseller or Autodesk directly on best practices here. Here are some URL links, which may be of assistance.
If you are able to install and successfully run Maya & all your plugins/scripts from a network location in your studio, then Deadline will be able to support network rendering from this location as well. Simply update the MayaBatch & MayaCmd plugins with the new executable path location using Deadline Monitor, click on “Tools” – “Super User Mode” – “Configure Plugins” – “MayaBatch” or “MayaCmd”. Can Maya’s environment variables be controlled? A recommended setup for Maya is to have your project folder on a shared location that all of your machines can see (whether it be a Windows folder share or a mapped path), then create your Maya scene in this project folder.
This way, when you submit the job, you can specify the shared project path in the submission dialog, and all of your Slave machines will be able to see it (and therefore see the Maya Fur folders within the project folder). Can I make use of the particle cache during network renders?.
Choose a satellite master machine, then modify the maya.rayhosts of the that machine so that it uses the Slaves you want. Only put the master machine in Deadline. Submit a job, and make sure that the job will be picked-up by the master machine you have setup. Use pools to do so.
In the job property page of the Maya job, in the Maya tab, you could add the following line in the additional arguments field: -rnm 1 This -rnm 1 means “render no master true”, which will force the master not to participate in the rendering but only submit and receive the render tasks. You will get better results this way. You could also use -rnm 0 which means “render no master false” and force 1 cpu on the master (if your master is a dual cpu) so you have 1 cpu free on the master to dispatch the task. In short you should always have 1 cpu free on the master machine for dispatching or else your render time will suffer. Can I submit MEL or Python Maya script files to Deadline?.
Requires min. FumeFX for Maya v3.5.4. Ensure you have “MayaSoftware” selected as renderer in Maya. Before you launch the Maya submission script, make sure that the Fume FX NetRender (Backburner) toggle button is “ON” in the FumeFX options in Maya.
Fume FX output paths must be UNC or via mapped drive letter (Windows). Deadline Slave must have either Fume FX “full” or Fume FX “simulation” license available and authorized. If you wish to use “Sim Only Mode” license, then you can switch via the “Fume FX Prefs Dialog” in Maya prior to Deadline Submission. Note, that you must restart Maya for this license mode change to be committed. Do this before submitting to Deadline if you need to use a Sim. Only license on a Deadline Slave.
Submit any arbitrary Maya single frame to begin the Fume FX Simulation (Fume FX uses its own frame range). However, note that Maya will render whatever single frame the Fume FX job was submitted on at the end of the simulation. Please see the Fume FX for Maya help manual for more details on the above requirements.
How can I region render large V-Ray scenes? Error Messages and Meanings This is a collection of known Maya error messages and their meanings, as well as possible solutions. We want to keep this list as up to date as possible, so if you run into an error message that isn’t listed here, please email and let us know.
Error in StartJob: Error in RenderExecutable: 64 bit Maya ####0 render executable was not found in the semicolon separated list “C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya####/bin/MayaBatch.exe;/usr/autodesk/maya####/bin/maya”. The path to the render executable can be configured from the Plugin Configuration in the Deadline Monitor.
(Where #### is the year of Maya release such as “2015”). Using Deadline Monitor, click on “Tools” – “Super User Mode” – “Configure Plugins” – “MayaBatch” or “MayaCmd”. The above error message is indicating that Deadline has been unable to locate the correct local install path of Maya on the machine which generated the error message. Deadline already ships with all the known, default install path locations for Maya across the 3 supported operating systems. So you shouldn’t have to edit these paths unless you have installed Maya to a custom location.
Please note the subtle diffences between the different executables being used between MayaBatch & MayaCmd and also the slightly different file path locations depending on OS. If in doubt, please contact for further assistance.
Error in RenderTasks: Monitored managed process “MayaBatch” has exited or been terminated. This is the most common Maya error in Deadline. The “MayaBatch” plugin, which keeps the Maya scene file open between tasks (frames) will sometimes not display the full stack trace (error message) regarding the root cause of your issue.
To obtain a full error message, you should re-submit the Maya file via either Monitor – “Submit Maya Job To Deadline” – “Advanced Options” – uncheck the “Use MayaBatch Plugin” checkbox OR alternatively in the in-app, Maya submission UI – “Render Options” – uncheck the “Use MayaBatch Plugin” checkbox. Allow this job to run and fail in Deadline and a more comprehensive error message should now be available.
It is this comprehensive error message that should be sent to if further assistance is required. Exception during render: Error: (Mayatomr): could not get a license. STDOUT: mel: Error: file: C: / Users / mike / AppData / Local / Temp / tmp6386.
Tmp line 12: setAttr: The attribute 'vraySettings.fileNamePrefix' is locked or connected and cannot be modified. In the above example, in the ‘Render Settings’ in Maya, the V-Ray ‘File name prefix:’ setting has been locked and should be unlocked (by right-clicking on the UI text label) to resolve the issue and the file re-submitted to Deadline.
Exception during render: Renderer returned non-zero error code, 211. When Maya prints this error message it usually means that Maya can’t access a particular path because it either doesn’t exist or it doesn’t have the necessary read/write permissions to access it. This error tends to occur when Maya is either loading the scene or other referenced data or when saving the final output images.
When you get this error, you should check the Slave log that is included with the error report. If it is a path problem, Maya shows which path it wasn’t able to access. Check to make sure that the Slave machine rendering the job can see the path, and that it has the necessary permissions to read/write to it. If it’s not a path problem, the Slave log should still provide some useful information that can help explain the problem. There is also the case where Maya exits with this error code after successfully rendering the images. If this is the case, there are two things to try.
This is where Maya is unable to open all the file handles it needs to operate correctly. The fix depends on your operating system being used on your Deadline Slave. On Linux/OS X, you will need to increase the ‘ulimit -n’ (open files) limit on the system. Typically, by default, this number might be low such as 256. You should consider increasing this number towards something like 64000. Check your distribution and operating system documentation for more information on this topic. Ensure this is a system-wide change for all users of Deadline Slave and the new setting remains in place after a system reboot.
On Windows, ensure you ‘disable offline files’ on the OS. Windows Group Policy can be used here to globally disable this feature in your studio. Here is more infomation on. Exception during render: Error: Cannot find procedure “getStrokeUVFromPoly”. Error: The SynColor package is not installed: C:/ProgramData/Autodesk/Synergy/SynColor/2017.
Ensure V-Ray’s VFB “region render” & “track mouse” buttons are disabled prior to submission to Deadline. It is also recommended to disable “Hide V-Ray VFB in batch mode” & “Disable region rendering in batch mode” in the V-Ray Common settings under in Maya prior to submission if you are already using Jigsaw for region/tile rendering. Error: This file contains legacy render layers and Maya is currently in Render Setup mode. This combination is unsupported. You can switch to Legacy Render Layers mode from the Preferred Render Setup system drop-down list in the Rendering section of the Preferences window.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Installation Problem
In Maya 2016.5, Autodesk introduced a new render layer system which is incompatible with their old one. The system is loaded on startup via the preferences on a per machine basis. Typically, you might see some of your machines are succeeding to render (set to load the Legacy Render Layer system), whereas other Slaves might be failing as their preference hasn’t been changed (Maya 2016.5 and onwards defaults to the new “Render Setup”).
In Deadline version 8.0.3, we added support to handle this by switching your Slaves dynamically to the proper version of render layers for the file they’re rendering (we gather this info during job submission). The easiest solution would be to upgrade to the latest version of Deadline, since we handle this for you. Error: “Unsupported Display” QuickTime pop-up dialog / “quicktimeShim.exe” application hangs.
This error may show itself as a QuickTime pop-up dialog on Windows OS 8/10 based machines only when the workstation is “locked” by the user OR can sometimes just be crashing, with Windows Event Viewer logs pointing to the failed execution of “quicktimeShim.exe” application in the Maya bin directory. This error has been seen in Maya 2016, 2016.5 and 2017. This issue seems more prevalent on AMD graphics based machines. The following has been known to resolve this issue:.
Update to latest available version. Navigate to the bin directory of each version of Maya installed on your machine(s).
C: Program Files Autodesk Maya2016 bin quicktimeShim.exe. C: Program Files Autodesk Maya2016.5 bin quicktimeShim.exe. C: Program Files Autodesk Maya2017 bin quicktimeShim.exe.
Right-click the quicktimeShim.exe file. Choose Properties. On the Compatibility tab, select the “Run This Program As An Administrator” option. If you see a User Account Control prompt, accept it. ERROR driverexr defaultArnoldDriver@driverexr.RGBA: can’t create file “.exr”: OpenEXR exception: Permission denied.
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