Wushu Taolu Basic Training Pdf

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KungFu-Wushu Origins Wushu (also known as Kungfu or Chinese Martial Arts) has developed and enriched itself through the life practice of the Chinese people during the long history of social development in early China. As early as clan communes in primitive society, there appeared forms of wrestling and dances with axe and shield.

Through the centuries, Wushuhas developed into a great variety of styles, which are rich in content and diversified in form. Wu Shu routines incorporate kicking, beating, throwing, seizing, striking and thrusting into set routine exercise using various combinations of attack and defense, advance and retreat, dynamic and static states, quickness and slowness, toughness and solidity. Benefits of Practising Kungfu Wushu Research shows that regular exercise with Wushu can improve the function of the cardiovascular system, enhance the aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, stimulate respiration and increase one's vitality. It is a complete system for developing strength, flexibility and agility. Crack full version free software. With graceful movements of the body revealed during exercises, the charm of Wu Shu provides an impressive and artistic delight, whilst sharpening ones' combat and control skills.

Kungfu Wushu Areas of Study Due to the long & complicated history of Chinese martial arts, KungFu Wushu is commonly recognised as consisting of 2 main areas: 1) Traditional Wushu (includes 'Pre-2005 Rules' Wushu Taolu/Routines & Internal KungFu styles) This area is often defined as having more traditional martial roots. In terms of competition, this area of Wushu simply does not involve what is known as 'degree of difficulty'. 2) Standardised 'New Rules' Wushu The standardised system of Wushu consists of 2 areas - Taolu (Routines) & Sanda (Combat) Students choose to specialise in 1 area, and train accordingly. In Taolu competition, judging involves consideration of what's known as 'degree of difficulty', largely based on the complexity of acrobatic movements. Taolu (Routines) Taolu is the most popular area of Wushu, as it is safe (non-combat), and accomoodates a wide range of interests with a huge array of weapons & barehand forms to study. The foundation of Taolu training is Changquan (Longfist) or Nanquan (Southern Fist), followed by the four major weapons - Straight Sword, Broadsword, Spear & Cudgel.

Click the links below to see videos of the different areas of study:. Qin Na (Joint Control, Locking and Unlocking). Chinese Fast Wrestling. San Shou-Free Hands Sparing Study includes contemporary and traditional styles. Fanzi Quan (also known as Fanzi boxing, Tumbling Boxing, or eight-flash boxing) is so called because of its movements which are executed as fast as lightning and thunderclaps. The movements are varied and continuous.

Earlier mentions of Fanzi Quan appeared in a New Essay on Wushu Arts written by anti-Japanese general Qi Jiguang of the Ming Dynasty. From Qi’s account, Fanzi Quan was already a comparatively complete and perfect style of fist style in the Ming Dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty Fanzi Quan was popular in North China.

Fanzi Quan stresses the use of hands and body techniques such as side move. Leaning back and turning over, as if a dragon whirling in the clouds, the movements are quick and forceful, attacking and defending in short distance. Fanzi Quan also stresses the combination of external and internal strengths and energies. Fanzi boxers take root in the legs while emphasizing hand tricks and movements. The tumbling exercises are categorised into: Major moves – jabbing, axing, elbowing, jamming, wrestling, rubbing and holding Minor moves – rolling, lifting, turning, penetrating, slipping, hammering, provoking and flicking.

The routines are rhythmic, containing slow and fast movements, continuous and intermittent actions. The routines are also short and terse, with agile and quick movements arranged in compact patterns. Fanzi boxers prefer to fight in a straightforward way, freely changing from hardness to softness and vice versa.

When the hands strike, the feet follow with a quick step. The body clutches together whilst moving around fast. The fist never strikes aimlessly nor does the hand retreat without trying to attack on its way back. When practicing, the footwork is steady, posture upright and square, and actions are versatile. One moment the two fists hit straight and the next they are rounded for their attacks.

Various tricks and moves are like whirl-winds and the entire routine is completed as if in one breath. The fist hits of Fanzi Quan are described as “dense as rain drops and as fast as a burning string of small firecrackers”.

Movements are crisp, fast, hard and resilient. Baji Quan (also known as eight extremes boxing, open-door eight extremes boxing) is one of the traditional Chinese boxing schools. Baji Quan is known for its forcefulness, simplicity and combative techniques. According to Wushu proverbs: “For ministers, Taiji Quan is for running the country and for generals, Baji Quan is for defending the country.”. From this it can be seen that Baji Quan held a significant position amongst various Chinese boxing schools. This was a fighting style used by imperial guards.

The Meng village of Hebei Province is the birth place of Baji Quan. Whilst it is mainly practised in north China, it is also found in some places in the south.


Baji Quan is simple and plain. It consists of short and menacing moves which are forceful, powerful and abrupt and demands hard play in both attack and defence. Elbows are often used in straightforward ways.

The explosive power generated are stimulated through breathing which is articulated by the two sounds of “Heng” & “Ha”. Powertful blows are delivered from elbows and shoulders in close combat against the opponent. Tongbei Quan Tongbei Quan or back-through boxing, (also called Tongbi Quan or arm-through boxing) is one of the schools popular in north China. Due to its long history, it boasts various names in different places, such as Wuxing (five elements – metal, wood, fire, water, earth), siz combinations, five-monkey, axe hitch and the Shaolin.

Although there are different names, the different styles of Tongbei Quan are all based on the same boxing theory and have the same origin. Originally Tongbei referred to a way of exercise – Tong meaning through & bei meaning back; ie- through the human back. When the exercises are done, power is generated from the back pass through the shoulders and then reach the arms. In this way, heavy blows can be delivered at the arms length to control the opponent. Tongbei emphasises the combination of inner core and outward application.

It takes the five elements as its core and back through as its application. Tongbei takes the five elements of the traditional Chinese philosophy as its basic theory. The five elements of the heaven are metal, wood, earth, water and fire; while those of the human being are the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. The five elements of boxing are wrestling, battling, piercing, axing and boring.

The Chinese boxing philosophy believes that everything in the world finds its roots in the five elements while all boxing schools are also based on its five elements. Tongbei boxing is characterised by movements based on birds and animals – monkeys, eagles, cranes & cats.

. Wushu ( ), or Chinese, is a hard and complete martial art, as well as a full-contact. It has a long history in reference to Chinese martial arts. It was developed in after 1949 in an effort to standardize the practice of traditional Chinese martial arts, yet attempts to structure the various decentralized martial arts traditions date back earlier, when the was established at in 1928. ' Wushu' is the term for 'martial arts' (武 'Wu' = military or martial, 術 'Shu' = art). In contemporary times, Wushu has become an sport through the (IWUF), which holds the every two years; the first World Championships were held in 1991 in. The World Championships are held every four years subset, as well.

Competitive Wushu is composed of two disciplines: and (散打; ). But it has other disciplines, like self defense, breaking hard objects, and other related practices, that are not performed in competitions.

Taolu involves patterns, acrobatic movements and techniques for which competitors are judged and given points according to specific rules. The forms comprise basic movements (stances, kicks, punches, balances, jumps, sweeps, and throws) based on aggregate categories of traditional Chinese martial art styles, and can be changed for competitions to highlight one's strengths. Competitive forms have time limits that can range from 1 minute, 20 seconds for some external styles, to over five minutes for internal styles.

(sometimes called ) is a modern fighting method and a full contact sport. Sanda contains, kicks , and. It has all the combat aspects of wushu.

Sanda appears much like, or, but includes many more grappling techniques. Sanda fighting competitions are often held alongside taolu.

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Contents. History In 1958, the government established the All-China Wushu Association as an umbrella organization to regulate martial arts training. The Chinese State Commission for Physical Culture and Sports took the lead in creating standardized forms for most of the major arts.

During this period, a national Wushu system that included standard forms, teaching curriculum, and instructor grading was established. Wushu was introduced at both the high school and university level. This new system seeks to incorporate common elements from all styles and forms as well as the general ideas associated with Chinese martial arts.

Stylistic concepts such as hard, soft, internal, external, as well as classifications based on schools such as Shaolin, Taiji, Wudang and others were all integrated into one system. Wushu became the government sponsored standard for the training in martial arts in China. The push for standardization continued leading to widespread adaptation. In 1979, the State Commission for Physical Culture and Sports created a special task force to teaching and practice of Wushu. In 1986, the Chinese National Research Institute of Wushu was established as the central authority for the research and administration of Wushu activities in China. Changing government policies and attitudes towards sports in general lead to the closing of the (the central sports authority) in 1998. This closure is viewed as an attempt to partially de-politicize organized sports and move Chinese sport policies towards a more -driven approach.

As a result of these changing sociological factors within China, both traditional styles and modern Wushu approaches are being promoted by the. Contemporary taolu events.

A dual event (choreographed) Wushu events are performed using compulsory or individual routines in competition. Compulsory routines are those routines that have been already created for the athlete, resulting in each athlete performing basically the same set. Individual routines are routines that an athlete creates with the aid of his/her coach, while following certain rules for difficulty. In addition to events for individual routines, some wushu competitions also feature dual and group events. The dual event, also called duilian (对练), is an event in which there is some form of sparring with weapons, or without weapons or even using bare hands against weapons.

The dual event is usually spectacular and actions are choreographed beforehand. The group event, also known as jiti (集體), requires a group of people to perform together and smooth synchronization of actions are crucial. Usually, the group event also allows instrumental music to accompany the choreography during the performance.

The carpet used for the group event is also larger than the one used for individual routines. Previously, international wushu competitions most often used compulsory routines, while high-level competitions in China most often used individual routines.

However, after the 2003 Wushu World Games in it was decided to opt for individual routines in international competition with nandu (難度; difficulty movements) integrating a maximum 2 point nandu score into the overall maximum score of 10. There is some controversy concerning the inclusion of nandu in wushu because many of the movements created for the specific events are not originally movements used in those styles.

In addition the number of injuries which have resulted from the inclusion of these nandu have caused many people to question their inclusion. Those who support the new difficulty requirements follow the assertion that they help to progress the sport and improve the overall physical quality of the athletes.

Barehanded (長拳 or ) refers to long-range extended wushu styles like (查拳), (華拳), Hongquan (洪拳; 'flood fist'), and (少林拳), but this wushu form is a modernized style derived from movements of these and other traditional styles. Is the most widely seen of the wushu forms, and includes speed, power, accuracy, and flexibility.

Changquan is difficult to perform, requiring great flexibility and athleticism, and is often practiced from a young age. All nandu movements must be made within 4 steps or it will not count for nandu points. (南拳 or ) refers to wushu styles originating in south (i.e., south of the, including (Hung Gar) (洪家拳), (Choy Li Fut) (蔡李佛拳), and (Wing Chun) (詠春拳).

Many are known for vigorous, athletic movements with very stable, low stances and intricate hand movements. This wushu form is a modern style derived from movements of these and other traditional southern styles. Typically requires less flexibility and has fewer acrobatics than, but it also requires greater leg stability and power generation through leg and hip coordination. This event was created in 1960. All nandu movements must be made within 4 steps or it will not count for nandu points. (太極拳, ) is a wushu style mistakenly famous for slow, relaxed movements, often seen as an exercise method for the elderly, and sometimes known as 'T'ai chi' in Western countries to those otherwise unfamiliar with wushu. This wushu form (42 form) is a modern recompilation based on the (楊) style of, but also including movements of the (陳), (吳), (武), and (孫) styles.

Competitive contemporary taiji is distinct from the traditional first form for styles it draws from, in that it typically involves difficult holds, balances, jumps and jump kicks. Modern competitive taiji requires good balance, flexibility and strength. The traditional second forms however like cannon fist, are more difficult than the modern forms, But less known and usually taught to advanced students. Short weapons.

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